Jenkins Plugin Cloudify Documentation Center

Jenkins is the most popular open-source automation server available in the market. It facilitates continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) in software development by imbibing automation across build, test, and deployment. Jenkins plugins are the main components that allow you to customize a Jenkins environment in a way that meets the unique requirements of a company or individual user. More than 1,800 plugins are available to install on Jenkins to integrate different build tools, analytic tools, and other cloud providers.

Jenkins plugins

Each approach will result in the plugin being loaded by Jenkins but may require
different levels of access and trade-offs in order to use.

Jenkins plugin architecture and understanding

New maintainers are being requested for this plugin as well. At the time of this writing, the plugin has not been updated in a number of years and the current version contains a Stored XSS vulnerability. The “Folders” plugin allows you to organize them into your own customized folder structure. The “Kubernetes” plugin is great for automating build agents on a Kubernetes cluster. Essentially, the plugin will dynamically create Kubernetes Pods that house a build agent that has started and will stop the agent once the build has completed.

This feature enables builds after post-receive hooks in your GitHub repositories. This trigger only kicks git-plugin internal polling algo for every incoming event against matched repo. However, when a bundled plugin has been manually updated, Jenkins will mark
that plugin as pinned to the particular version. On the file system, Jenkins
creates an empty file called JENKINS_HOME/plugins/PLUGIN_NAME.jpi.pinned
to indicate the pinning. By default, whenever Jenkins is upgraded, its bundled plugins overwrite the
versions of the plugins that are currently installed in JENKINS_HOME.

Day-08: Basic Git & GitHub

A new version of this plugin hasn’t been released for a couple of years and it is currently up for adoption. However, based on the amount of downloads, there are still plenty of users. “Jira” is an open source plugin that does exactly what it says. Once installed, you can integrate your Jenkins instance with Atlassian Jira Software.

  • We will not mention these plugins as they are de facto based on the tests runner you use.
  • As an example, we will click on the button and load the data in Selection Box.
  • If a plugin cannot be downloaded, -plugin will be appended to the name and download will be retried.
  • It enabled the IT businesses to adopt agile software delivery methodologies like Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD).
  • In this mode, Jenkins will automatically add/remove hook URLs to GitHub based on the project configuration in the background.
  • The plugin provides build-steps to facilitate the usage of popular provisioners and orchestrators, allowing
    job/pipeline authors to use such tools through Cloudify in a seamless manner.

Retrieves list of artifacts that only were archived during Jenkins
build. That is, this procedure does not return an artifact if it was
built, but not archived. To archive artifact please configure your
project to use “Archive Artifacts” Post-Build action in Jenkins. The EC-Jenkins plugin provides an integration with a Jenkins CI server, allowing a CloudBees CD/RO user the ability to perform several operations on a Jenkins job. Sometimes it may be necessary to install an older version of a plugin, in such a case, you install the plugin manually. Environment variables are needed quite often in Jenkins.

Demystifying High Availability in Kubernetes Using Kubeadm

Thus, to build a Jenkins plugin, you need to install a Java Development Kit on your system. The latest version of Java, i.e., Java 11, is recommended. Here we have discussed the steps you can follow to create Jenkins plugins. As mentioned, 1800+ free Jenkins plugins are available in the Jenkins plugin repository, and each performs different tasks.

The tags are in CloudBees CD/RO
if they do not already exist. Let’s take a look at a few of the best plugins to increase the productivity. We have already seen many plugins in our previous sections. But what if you want to deploy it on Jenkins Marketplace? Well, it’s a pretty long process and thankfully Jenkins has good documentation for it.

Build Cloudify Environment

We have intuitively and innovatively built microservices for most of the DevOps teams can use these microservices behind Jenkins. Join forces with Opsera to accelerate your software development to the next level. Now you have all the required information about the Jenkins Plugins.

Jenkins plugins

This integration helps to improve collaboration and communication among team members, as everyone can be notified in real-time about the status of builds, tests, and deployments. This plugin deals with the deployment stage of the project (the post-build step). It coordinates the deployment of applications into multiple AWS instances. I’m absolutely sure that you will find some useful plugins that will make your daily life easier and that you just didn’t know about their existence. Jenkins didn’t have any major UI/UX upgrades until last year, when they introduced the Blue Ocean plugin, which significantly improves Jenkins visualization and clarity.

How to get a list of installed Jenkins plugins with name and version pair

There’s no need to explain what is Jenkins and why it’s one of the leading CI platforms out there. It’s a known fact that Jenkins, being an open-source solution, has a vast community that covers every bits and bytes of additional functionalities or features you can only imagine. Although Jenkins is quite awesome as it is, these superb plugins provide a smoother experience, solving all kinds of problems. You can install plugins with either the Jenkins web UI or the Jenkins CLI (command-line interface) using the install-plugin command. This plugin creates a pod for each dynamic agent that connects automatically via variables. One container in the cluster acts as the Jenkins agent, allowing you to run whatever jobs or processes you need on the others.

Plugins can be automatically downloaded, with their dependencies, from the
Update Center. Discover the 1800+ community contributed hire jenkins developers to support building, deploying and automating any project. Here is a quick overview of the Jenkins plugins used at Nuxeo.


The Pipeline plugin for Jenkins is a popular plugin that provides a way to create, manage, and visualize continuous delivery pipelines in Jenkins. It allows teams to define their build, test, and deployment processes in code, making it easier to version control, test, and maintain those processes over time. This Maven plugin integrates Jenkins with Apache Maven, a popular build tool for Java projects.

